Your Mind Is The Great Trickster


These doubts you have…

They feel SO true. So real. So YOU.

These fears that follow you, hold you down and convince you not to act…

They seem like common sense, future tellers, and really REAL.

But they aren’t real.

Just like they are NOT you.

How weird is that?

Well it’s true…

These voices in your head…

This feeling in your heart that says don’t move forward

Don’t take action…


It’s a remnant from the past.

You’re reliving the same day over and over…

Except unlike groundhog day…

You don’t even know you’re in this perpetual prison.

And yes, this even happens to the best of us,

Even the most conscious of us…

Even those of us who really try our best and are determined to succeed….

The conditioning from childhood is so strong…

And we are trained to fear and doubt and not believe in ourselves…

That when we hear and FEEL the voice that says not to…

Sometimes… it wins out.

John Kehoe teaches that the mind is the great trickster.

I want to take this opportunity to remind you…

That you need to be fully suspicious of your thoughts and feelings.

You need to KNOW that most of them are not true.

Have you ever noticed that just because you think something..

Often you think it MUST be true?

A voice predicting the future

A nagging feeling saying you will probably fail…

Just because you hear it in your mind…

does NOT mean it is true.

In fact, it probably isn’t!

So look at the areas in your life that you are avoiding…

Or saying that you can’t…

And have a good long hard talk with yourself…

Journal, tap, run… anything to change your state…

Because ONLY when you are thinking what you WANT to think.

Are you thinking the truth…

You are a limitless being…

With limitless potential.

And you deserve to know your own power.

The mind will imprison you…

Trick you…

So look out for this trickster…

Don’t believe it just because you hear it…

Don’t follow it just because you feel it…

Take some breaths.

Tune in…

Find out whats really behind it…

Ask the feeling what it’s scared off…

Talk back to the thoughts and tell them what YOU CHOOSE to think instead…

This is the process that with repetition…

Will change your entire life…

It will get you unstuck, out of a rut.

It will take you to the next level…

And many levels beyond…

Only once you remember the voices you hear that keep you small

And the feelings you feel that make you withdraw…

Are simply tricking you.

Will you be free of this clever trickster!

There is always a way out…

Another way around..

A different way to go through..

No matter how hard it seems or how impossible it has been…


Originally published at on March 31, 2017.



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically