Your Genes Do NOT Control You! So What Does?


Growing up we were taught that once we are broken we ultimately can’t be fixed.

They told us that we were a victim to our genes and had no control over ourselves.

These scientist revered as gods who some believe can not be wrong — they were WRONG.

Dr Bruce Lipton PhD says how back in the 1960s he was a crowd of ONE trying to say NOOOOOOO we are not a victim to our genes.

While all other scientists were prancing around donning the popular (and I would bet my life at its root PAID for) opinion that we are a victim to our genes…

Dr Lipton was pioneering stem cell research.

He would take IDENTICAL genes, put them in petri dishes and expose them to different environments… And guess what?

One would grow muscle tissue, another would grow as an eye, and so on and so forth.

Have you ever owned — or seen — a fish tank with fish swimming around?

Of course, you have, right?

If the fish tank is green and brown with dirt and algae — do you blame the fish’s genes when they get sick?

Do you say — oh this fish just has bad genes.

It sounds so dumb to say — of course not!

Yet this is EXACTLY what everyone does to humans.

Take the human out of the stressful environment and change the INTERNAL environment within and the human will change too — every single time.

What is the internal environment?

Imagine someone with high levels of stress. Who is always scared that something bad is going to happen.. Imaging this person hates confrontation, so holds in emotion and does countless things she hates to please another.

Her INTERNAL environment is full of cortisol, the stress hormone. It is packed with emotional toxins that CONDENSE LIKE WATER INTO ICE — or lets say like hot lava into a red rock…

This is little known.

But I find these CONDENSED emotional energy balls and dissolve them.

There is nothing more important you can do than dissolve these energy blocks because they arent just like a cloud of energy

They are CONSCIOUS thought… Mixed with opinions, beliefs, memories, shame and pain… and they replicate, grow and get stronger the more the pattern stays in place.

They ARE the source of your self fulfilling prophecies.

This is why mindset work is great but MUST 100% for sure involve emotional clearing as well.. What we call energy work, energy medicine, shadow alchemy or a dozen other names.

To get control of yourself and become the master of your destiny so you are no longer controlled by this internal environment (my scientists mistook for being controlled by genes) — you must get help to clear this stuff.

I have invested close to $20,000 in energy work alone — at least…

Some of these times it was over the bills I had to pay, using the last of my money and not knowing when more would come in…

And every cent I spent/invested was worth it

From PTSD where I was so sensitive and easily triggered by others energy that I attracted people who rejected me constantly… To calm, no longer racing in anxiety and able to think clearly and move forward in life…

The change Ive experienced in myself and in others was NOT supposed to be possible.

Healing a chronic lung disease that almost killed me naturally with energy work — was not supposed to be possible

Healing excruciating sciatica in a client who was told she had to have an operation after NINE YEARS of not being able to walk down the street without immense pain — to now free in her body — was not supposed to be possible

Healing excruciating stomach spasms the doctors sent her home to live with — after FOUR YEARS of waking up in terror every day because the moment she moved she would be racked with the most painful attack — to releasing it in my private sessions after 3 months — was NOT supposed to be possible!

Healing chronic anxiety that led to agoraphobia where she couldnt leave her property otherwise she would go into nervous ticks when speaking others, she would feel sick and throw up, she hated her body and herself — to after a few month intensive it just WAS GONE — was not supposed to be possible.

This is the type of stuff I do for breakfast (or a late lunch is more my style lol)

So if you are DONE thinking your emotional and/or physical stuff is just how it is and so you try to focus on money and Love, ignoring how you feel inside — you are missing the point!

In the process of healing everything I mentioned above — my clients brought in more money, launched careers, left jobs they hated, got promotions and so many things — because when you clear up this emotional stuff aka your internal environment — THEN YOUR OUTER ENVIRONMENT CHANGES BECAUSE YOU CHANGE.

So if this sounds powerful to you….

Then I invite you to start with my single session so you can see how AMAZING it is!

This is not a passive process where you just sit and receive…

We do a deep cleanse to your body — through breath, sound, vibration etc

I take you to the darkest places you have repressed and we shine LOVE upon them in ways you just can not imagine. Everybody who does this work for the first time is shocked at the powerful rollercoaster they went one

One client came in for a session after investing $12,000 in a strategy program. It didnt work for her — and worse she was a relationship coach and hadnt told her husband about the payment — thinking she would tell him once it worked — but she BOMBED.

Her business was stuck, her marriage was on the line — she was in deep depression and since her biz was about having a good relationship — that was on the verge of collapse!

After just one intense session we dislodged that stuck self hatred and shame that had built up. it was one heaven of a release!

And within days BECAUSE of her positive rush of energy she came up with a great idea for a retreat and sold it out. She was back on track and making money again!

Whatever problem you have in your life — energy alchemy is the at least one part of the answer. It may lead you to other tools, strategies, support and modalities too….

But it makes everything more effective.

It opens you up to the truth

You finally stop lying to yourself and putting things off

You start believing and feeling like YES YOU CAN — and so you do.

Go here to try your first session

You can see it like an audition process because if you turn out to be a great client I will invite you to join me in my premier 4 month transformational journey — Subconscious Magic.

Of course there is no hard sell — the work speaks for itself.

If you are getting a yes — trust that and jump in — thinking it through can be your sabotage patterns talking you out of doing something epic that will change your entire life….

When you sign up and get your spot message me to celebrate and you can either book your session in through the system or on messenger personally with me

Originally published at on May 17, 2022.



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically