You Must Get Control of Your Toxic Beliefs (Everyone Has Them!)


If you have negative beliefs saying that you’re not good enough, or don’t deserve to be rich, successful, happy, fully Loved and completely healthy — how can you expect to actually create a wonderful life beyond what you’ve ever experienced?

Everyone who comes to me to reprogram their subconscious has deep seated fears of not being enough. Even the most confident and most successful people I have helped still have this deep insecurity. Believing their way isn’t enough and that things might not work out.

Until you get a day by day — HOUR by hourly control over this — you will find your most wanted desires keep getting pushed further and further away.

You can SAY you want to be Loved by a wonderful man, or be in full health or have that hot fit body or rich as heaven business — but if deep down you think you’re not enough — you will unconsciously sabotage it — just because your thoughts are INSTRUCTIONS.

Your beliefs attract to you people to play out YOUR INNER CONVERSATIONS with yourself. Every single time

Then you think about it, complain about it — and more of it happens…

So you compound your belief. You say well its always been this way. Ive tried to change it..

Yeah but still. It only happens because your internal story is what creates your physical World

You must actually SAY that you are willing to change this. Willing to see it differently. That you are willing to release the pattern within yourself that creates the condition

You must actually ASK what would it feel like if I knew money were easier for me? (insert your desire) — then actually practice feeling it in your body

AND you must listen to those deep parts that are negative. You cant positive think over them. You must know how to bring it up and change its mind so it isnt miscreating under the surface.

Did you know that the ENERGY of Love dissolves guilt, fear, pain, (including chronic physical pain — its true) and anything in the way of your desires…

This is why my work is so incredibly brilliant.

Noone is like me when it comes to understanding how to heal the deepest and darkest of patterns.

The truth is — it all starts with getting you to see that you dont actually need the physical things as much as you think you do — when you reduce the need and just want them because its fun and not because you need them to make your life better — you will find manifesting becomes easier than ever before!

Are you ready to go on a journey to transform your inner World? Which of course is the cause of everything that happens to you in your outer World!

I have 2 spots right now for new private clients to come on a spiritual success journey — where we will work on every area of your life that is important to you. You have done so well getting to where you are — but isnt it time for it to be easier? To have more fun? More joy? More ease? To face challenges with a positive attitude instead of being drained?

I believe and know in my heart that literally every person needs to be doing this work.

Of course I dont have the resources to help everyone lol — But I can help YOU.

If you consider yourself a high level woman with big dreams, and you know you want more in life and are ready to do the inner work to make big changes and create wonderful things — then you might just be my dream client.

Having me as your healer and coach is the best of both Worlds.

My clients have repeated successes, amazing opportunities arrive all the time because I teach them how to actually think like a champion in an empowered way so you magnetize your desires and enjoy your life, business and LIFE all at the same time.

If you want help to succeed in your business, heal your relationships AND heal your body / mental health and everything in between then reach out and tell me you are ready to try my initial Session (for $280)…

After that if I believe you are ready to make big changes in your life, and once you experience just how powerful this work FEELS — then we can discuss different options to work with me on a long time healing journey to restructure your thought and action processes so you get the best results from everything you do!

So whether you have chronic anxiety — or just regular overwhelm, resistance or fatigue — you need to get control of yourself so you can live in peace and joy!

So you live guided by God/The Divine in all your decisions — which always leads you to the best life, even better than you have imagined!

Reach out with any questions. If you’re curious to know if I can help you with YOUR situation just give me a run down and I’ll give you my professional opinion

With Love

Kai xo

Originally published at on March 30, 2022.



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically