What is chronic pain connected to?


Your Chronic pain is connected to your business success, because as Bruce Lipton PhD says 99% of chronic pain is emotional — so you need to realize this pain is YOU trying to speak with you about something wrong in your life! I can teach you how to listen…

When I see so people paying chiropractors and going to doctor after doctor but not getting any relief — it hurts my heart and makes me all the more determined because I actually can heal your pain — it sucks to watch people suffer unnecessarily.

You are such a star! You’re so great at coping. You run a successful business. You have a great life… But the pain is a dull annoying ache — always there.

NO you don’t have to just live with it.

It’s BECAUSE you’re so great at coping and getting on with things that you have the pain.

You had to push those emotions down from long ago. I promise you — the pain wants to talk with you!

Let me be your pain whisperer.. I will teach YOU how to hear your pain’s ACTUAL voice (not a metaphor! — it really does speak as a thought in your head when you know how to like I teach you)

If you want to see the science side look up Dr John Sarno and Garbor Mate on TMS pain, which teaches how chronic pain is emotional.


Even if its from an injury and even if you have an xray showing back pain damage — if its stayed around for more than a few months or so — then it has an emotional component holding it all together.

I’m not the cheapest but I am the best. Up there with renowned pain healers, Gabor Mate and Gabe Roberts.

We all teach our clients how to connect with the pain emotionally and change the holographic memory while releasing trauma from the body aka your chronic pain!!

Right now I’m looking for one more case study because even though I’ve healed dozens of people…

Most of them havent wanted to leave public testimonials — and I’m done being the world’s best kept secret because so many people need my healing skills in their lives.

Within the first few sessions you will feel better in your body. You will feel great about yourself. Soon you’ll be able to exercise, play with your children or have a sexy romp with your partner PAIN FREE… This is my zone of genius.

See below for a couple of testimonials, and if you’re ready to finally heal you pain and stop cancelling important things, feeling low energy and going from doctor to chiropractor and back — then I can offer a generous discount in exchange for being my case study.

Such as Kelly:

We healed so many things together! Saved her womb after being told she would have to have a hysterectomy. She used to have womb cramps every day.

Now she is pain free AND in process she stepped into her power, stopped being such a people pleaser, trusts her decisions more, is more connected with God than ever before and healed intense anger due to trauma from her past that she didn’t even realize she was holding onto:

Watch her story here

And Rikki:

She went from screaming in agony on the floor unable to move — she couldn’t even do a squat — to after several sessions online over zoom, she can now move freely, exercise.. She got a new job (which she had to quit previously due to her pain)… She got her life back again. And in the beginning she really didn’t believe it would work — but it did!

Watch in her own words here

Like my clients, WHEN you get great results — then all I ask you to do is give me a testimonial in exchange for a generous discount.

If something inside of you is telling you to try this, then please listen because God/The Divine connects me with people when they are finally ready to open up to true healing.

Hit reply for a no pressure chat, either share your story and ask any questions…

This is tried and tested already.

So this is NOT beta testing.

This is the alpha and omega of healing on every level.

My case study offer is simply to help with my publicity.

Of course you can choose to join full price and stay private just like most of my clients choose too.

Kai Clifford Energy Alchemist

Message me on Facebook here, or here on Instagram

Or reply to my email when you sign up for my healers ebook — read for free and learn the 3 big mistakes everyone makes when healing themselves and what you can do instead w- with self talk healing scripts that really work!

Go here to download now



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically https://www.spiritualsuccessjourney.com/