This is HOW You Journal Correctly… — Kai Ashley


So many people, sincere in their inner work, spend HOURS dissecting their problems like it’s the most interesting thing in the world to them. Like somehow thinking about your problems even MORE will make them better, like you just haven’t thought about them hard enough, seriously enough… And once you DO then the light will be revealed.

But NO.

It does not work that way.

Why? Because you can not solve a problem from the same consiousness that created it and allowed it to continue, can you? Your problems do not hold the answers.

The actual problem is that you don’t know there is another way to think and look at things. One that is Divinely guided, where your words, feelings, beliefs and expectations aka mindset/attitude decree your reality directly.

What do I mean by this?

This means we are all psychically connected in the realist way imaginable.

It means that when you think ‘They won’t like me’, They literally hear that same message in their heads about you. Their body responds to YOU. They may not even know why, but they will feel put off and like you aren’t worth getting to know that much. All because you are putting out a stinking DO NOT LIKE ME VIBE…

You are communicating to them that you shouldn’t be liked. That you’re not good enough, and all the stuff that comes with that.

So ever wonder why people don’t give you a chance?

It’s because YOU don’t give you a chance.

Ever find that people don’t take you seriously or they disregard or attack you?

It’s because YOU are thinking those matching thoughts within.

YOU are picturing negative realities of things going wrong.

And then, SHOCK HORROR, you are so surprised when they do.

Like it’s their fault for not liking you when you don’t even like you enough to think they will too (or whatever your flavor of issue is. Insert one of a billion different options).

This is why when you journal, the number one thing you must be doing above all else is retraining your mind into what you want to be thinking and believing instead. Do not dwell on the negative.

Now! Don’t go too far in the other direction like many Law of Attraction peeps have because ignoring the negative and being scared to look at it, is just as toxic and negative as its opposite.

So yes, you’ve gotta know how to poke around in the negative to find your reasons.

You CAN dig in deep sometimes, do massive brain releases where you dump pages of negative out — better out than in!

But then you discard it like yesterday’s trash, because it literally IS!!!

Then you reframe, rewrite, redecide and recreate.

Over and over again.

But wait..!

It’s not over yet!

Not only do you have to have get the balance right on this…

You’ve also gotta know how to FEEL what you are writing and shift those negative feelings away.

You have to master your ability to actually FOCUS so you can maintain your positive thoughts, feelings in images for longer.

AND you can’t just journal in the morning and walk around negative all day thinking worry, doom and gloom, can you?

Writing how you believe in yourself in the morning…

Then meeting someone a friend at lunch, telling them how you’re so worried and don’t think you can do it.

But you cant be fake about it either!

So yes…. YEP!

It is complicated!

And this is exactly what I’ll be covering in my upcoming workshop ‘Recode Yourself With The Universal Laws (For SUCCESS!)

In this powerful teaching, we will be meeting live in a special pop up group where I will dish the goss and answer any questions on how you can change, reframe and write your reality through journaling and DreamWeaving Visualization: Which is where you tap fully into the person who already has what you desire and then you become her in your mind and then also through action in reality.

Non of this pretending to be positive but still too frozen to take action (or working yourself into exhaustion, which is just as bad too)

Because that’s not real positivity or faith.

Want to learn how to walk the tight rope so this balancing act becomes easier and natural to you?

Then sign up now!

Because I have added an extra bonus for everyone who signs up within the next 44 hours…

And yes for those who have already joined, you get this too!

This bonus teaches you HOW to do Healing Visualization — my own special method that DESTROYS NEGATIVE IMAGES in your mind aka negative belief aka the negative PROGRAMS that control your actions and how life turns out for you.

Valued at $77, you get this for free, for joining us today.

(48 hours from posting)

So if you’ve been on the fence, thinking you’ll join and jump in at the last moment- now you have a reason to do it NOW.

And seriously, if there is anything you do to get control of your life — these are the bread and butter practices I have used for YEARS that create the best change and transformation in my life and in that of my clients — so if it is YOUR time to shine and develop that positive CAN DO ATTITUDE go grab your spot now

You will immediately receive your special bonus and a link to join the FB group.

Everyone will be added to that on the day we go live (and yes you can catch the replay)

Go here to get your spot in Recode now



Originally published at on October 24, 2021.



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically