The Real Cause of Chronic Pain — From Injury or Chronic Issue


Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired in your body?

This article discusses the true meaning behind your chronic pain and gives you an effective solution. Natural Pain Relief For PHYSICAL PAIN

All your physical issues have an unexpressed opinion about your life, lifestyle, relationships and choices..

Wait there, what does that mean?! Stay with me, because when I say I am a Master at healing physical pain, chronic issues and all types of physical STUFF in your body — I say this because of my history and experience of helping myself and my clients heal, often after doctors told them what they had was incurable or would need an operation — so I certainly know what I am talking about… OK so…

I totally get that your physical thing is so physical, so structural, so deep, so sore, so hard to change and impossible to heal it might just be easy to gloss over this especially since so many things have NOT worked for you. But this is where those of you who are READY TO HEAL will see the truth within these words because if you have been praying for an answer — this is it. Remember God / The Divine Mind answers your prayers mostly THROUGH people and their support for you.

OK so back to your physical issue having an opinion — what does that actually mean?

Let me describe the building blocks aka the root cause that keep your physical pain in place…

Everything is energy right?

As quantum physics now knows literally everything is energy.

The kindergaten understanding of this is to say that 99.999% of The Universe is energy and just a small fraction is matter — as in — did you know that our atoms are full of space? The electrons and protons and building blocks that make up this Universe — when you zoom in on a microscopic level — they have so much space! Right?!

So that part is easy to get — here’s where the understanding gets more advanced:

Everything is energy, including the matter — it’s just the matter is CONDENSED ENERGY.

You see?

So for instance, you are NOT a body with a soul.

You are a soul — this immense energy that condenses down into physical form as you get to the center focus, which is your body — this is a big part of why your thoughts influence your physical health and entire life so much.

But how does this to relate to pain?

I’m getting there!

First, to drive home the point that everything is energy and so your thoughts, are “The Thinking Substance of The Universe” (-The Science of Getting Rich) , and also literally “The God Within You” (-Neville Goddard who taught Law of Attraction using the bible as the metaphor it really is)…

Your thoughts create. Full stop. End of story. This is how it is.

And did you know that people with D.I.D more commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder — that it’s been well documented that when they switch personalities, they can have physical issues disappear. One patient was reported to have diabetes but when she switched, she did NOT have diabetes until she switched back. Weird, huh?

Another person was reported to be blind but when she switched personalities she could see. Now if you’re thinking she was faking, it is reported by her doctors that they did brain scans, and for sure, the part of her brain that lights up and reacts to vision was not there during her blind personality — and it would switch right on when the lights came on, so to speak! Others have changed their eye color too — there are so many crazy things that happen!

This is the power of our beliefs, expectations and personality.

So yes — your personality is making you sick. Sorry not sorry.

It’s ok — it’s very human of you!

It was passed down to you from your family, like it was for all of us.


So you aren’t stuck, or at least you don’t have to be.

Now to my opening statement:

“All your physical issues have an unexpressed opinion about your life, lifestyle, relationships and choices..”

OK, so over your childhood, lifetime and lifetimes, you have experienced negative stuff — right?


And because as humans we have been taught to do the exact opposite with our emotions than what we are meant to — we suppress and repress. Your emotions are meant to move through your body like a river.

So when you feel anger — you are meant to feel it and use it to get your needs met!

But because we weren’t allowed to have anger, we weren’t allowed to be SELF-ish and had to obey our loved ones demands and expectations, we pushed down our own needs to please others, to not cause a fuss, or because we found there was noone that cared so who were ya gonna tell? No one. Right?

As this emotion gets repressed in your body literally THOUSANDS OF TIMES THROUGH YOUR LIFE — it compounds, like milk turning into butter or the flowing river turning into an ice block — this is trapped in your body and turns into PAIN!!!!

But because the incidents are so emotionally painful and you’ve been programmed to believe you can not get those needs met because its dangerous in some way (such as losing love and being rejected) — you IGNORE THE ISSUE — mostly because you don’t realize it is an issue — and the pain happens — Dr John Sarno, a pioneer in the medical field of how back pain is emotional believed it was to distract you from the emotional pain, which makes sense to me… And yes maybe, I see it more as the energy condensed so much it got bigger and bigger and turned into PAIN with a message for you!

So I take my clients through a process where they bypass their blocks and get the message from the pain. Because the pain actually tells you what it needs to heal when you know how to talk to it — and combine that with my unique, and proven to work effective Pain Relief method — we dissolve it like hot butter, or ice in the sun.

It really works, its truly incredible and amazing.

I have a case study of my client who had 9 year sciatica — the doctors said she would need an operation to heal but they were wrong! She worked with me instead and well within a year we dissolved that sciatic back and leg pain completely — now she is able to go on walks, get out of bed in the morning and feel good in her body.

If you have body pain and you are getting out of bed bracing yourself, avoiding certain activities, held back from important client calls or playing with your kids — then you know just how much releasing this pain would change your life.

And I get you’ve probably tried ‘everything’ but you haven’t.

If you are committed to trying everything until it works — then take the leap of faith and try this.

It is a unique method that is beautifully healing not just on your body but also on your life, health, relationships, inner peace and even money and abundance too!

That’s why I am so excited to launch my Body Free Bootcamp For Natural Pain Relief

If you have been praying for an answer then sign up now to get in for the Top 5 and Top 10 early bird bonus

Top 5 gets both bonuses:

My 1 to 1 Pain Melting Session with me!!! (Valued at $555) — yours as a free bonus for joining as one of the top 5

AND my popular and incredibly amazing full body reset: The Divine Chakra Cleanse Digital Homestudy Program

And Top 10 gets the Divine Chakra Cleanse!

If you are feeling drawn then click here to watch the case study and sign up now

of course feel free to message me with any questions too!


Originally published at on November 2, 2020.



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically