+ How To Get A Free EFT Session With Me (Read At The End)

The first thing you need to do is to admit to yourself that nothing is working and you’re not aligned with what you say you are wanting.

The second thing is absolutely 100% drop everything else and give in to doing personal development work for as many hours or days as it takes.

A friend of mine, Christy Primmer who is an inspirational coach and keynote speaker said it the best, and I quote:

“If people would actually embrace the fact that mindset and personal development make or break success so many more lives would change.”

Is such a profound truth, yet people struggle against it and say things like

“Oh but that takes TOO much time.”

“I just don’t want to do that much work.”

Wake up! Please oh my god just fucking wake up.

Why do you think things haven’t been working — or they don’t work for long?

It’s because you refuse to put in the personal development, healing and mindset work to hold your energy high and manifest what you want.

But you resist. You say another day.

Then you will stress, complain, worry and get angry when things don’t work out for you.

You learned the strategy!

yes babe, but it’s the wrong type of work.

Think of mindset and healing work (or as I say mindset and heartset work) as the foundation of a very tall building.

Sometimes this foundation has to go deep into the Earth and down into the muck. It’s not always nice down there at the deepest levels — but you still have to go there to build the solid foundation for your building.

The strategy and processes and webinars and blog posts — or whatever it is for you — all of that ONLY works when you have a strong foundation.




But you have to keep it up every single day.

Ever since you were a child you lived in a World where most of the information coming at you told you how IMPOSSIBLE it is to change. How just not good enough you are and how hard and horrible money and success REALLY is.

You can’t tell me you haven’t heard that coming in at you from all angles on a daily basis. THIS IS YEARS OF CONDITIONING.

A belief is simply a thought you think repeatedly — except it goes SO deep you rarely even think it in actual thoughts (but sometimes you do).

The majority of the time it comes up in feelings. And these feelings sway you like they are the reigns and you are the horse… and the beliefs are the jockey riding you either to success, failure or somewhere in between.

And they are so deeply ingrained!

So much so that most people LITERALLY have beliefs guaranteeing they will NEVER reach success…. Not until they change their beliefs, that is.

SO if you have been procrastinating or going into resistance then you definitely have some beliefs holding you back.

The first thing you need to do is to admit that is is happening.

Then stop the action and do what you must to align with what you want.

Now here is a pro tip — if you are not feeling super excited about what you are doing and charging forward to create it THEN YOU ARE NOT ALIGNED.

There is fear under the surface. You have some belief holding you back…

The procrastination is only trying to help and protect you. It’s not the bad guy.

And I’ve had quite a lot of them and still have some of them that hold me back at times too!

the longer I struggle against it — the worse things get.

And guess what the true key to it all is energy work.

Even journaling is a type of energy work when you do it right- because you shift your thoughts from your daily drone to something high and empowered that’s right on track with where you are going.


You must do your mindset work to stay on the right path

Daily Mindset & Heartset Work Keeps You Going In The Right Direction.

Do you want some awesome tips to shift energy?

  • Deep EFT Tapping (Kai’s way! — My way!)
  • Selective Thinking — which is an ESSENTIAL practice to shift your thoughts and take charge of your life — If you want a free ebook on this then send me a message and I’ll shoot it over to you
  • Emotional Alchemy — which is the most powerful, and profound way to shift energy and you would be surprised at how gentle it is too.
  • Breathwork and taking deep breaths — simple but wow!
  • Journaling — Write yourself into an empowered frenzy and get ready to ROCK!

Do you want access to videos and resources for FREE to learn how to shift your energy so that the strategy actually works when you do it? So you become a client magnet? So you overcome your money blocks and break through all barriers in the way of your dreams?

If you have worked with me before or seen my testimonials page on my website then you KNOW that this stuff works and has made a profound difference in so many people’s lives… And I don’t want you to miss out.

SO send me a message and ask me for some free resources so you can build that strong foundation in your life — Even if I have already recommended resources to you and you want more — send me a message… Even if I have never spoken to you but you are curious and want to try some — send me a message! I am happy to help!

So are you ready to align with what you really want?

Then get ready to do the work



The very fact that success is NOT random

That you can ALIGN with what you want and actually fucking GET IT

THIS IS A GIFT! It’s not random!

So it’s the fairest thing ever — show up and do the inner work, take the inspired action and it is IMPOSSIBLE to not reach your dreams.

But if you sit there saying OH ANOTHER DAY — I’ll do it another day — then you are wasting your time. You are CREATING MORE OF A LIFE YOU DON’T WANT.

So deal with it — and do what needs to be done to create the life YOU DO WANT…

And I’m here to help. So send me a message below and ask for some free stuff that WILL 100% make a big difference in your life, money, success, happiness and overall fulfillment. Cos that’s how I roll! 😉

I want to give you a FREE Deep EFT Tapping Session with me.

This is a POWERFUL 1.5 hour session valued at $350.

It isn’t just come in and get some information — NO –

You will literally transform your beliefs, change how you feel and so much in your World will open up.

Of course there is a catch.

These sessions are hella valuable!

I have several 1 on 1 Client Attraction EFT sessions with me as a bonus to my new program, Crack The Coaching Code

Where you will learn all the STRATEGY that has worked for me to attract amazing clients without spending a dime on FB ads….

AND OF COURSE — there is the powerful foundation energy healing work.

THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WORK YOU CAN DO and I could easily charge TEN TIMES AS MUCH AS I AM for how effective it is and you would still be getting a deal. So don’t miss out.

Even without the awesome bonusES this will be worth it’s figurative weight in gold. But if you get in now you can still snag yourself a free 1 on 1 session with me

This next bonus is awesome FREE ENTRY into a LIVE training called ‘Create Great Video That Sells’ which does exactly that.

Again it has the strategy and all the tips BUT we also heal you from your fear of being on camera so you will feel free and easy and have fun with it! That alone is worth signing up for!

We kick off soon. So send me a message now for your free resources I mentioned above AND/OR to ask me about the Crack The Coaching Code 5 Week Online Transformational Marketing Program!

Originally published at www.vibrantsuccess.club on June 27, 2016.



Kai Ashley — Healer of The Healers & EFT Master

Subconscious reprogramming &potent somatic healing plus success strategies to heal, grow & uplevel dramatically https://www.spiritualsuccessjourney.com/